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As a creative person who wants to strive for big things and has little funding to do so maybe on this page you will find that opportunity to make your dream come true.

Listed below are the fund and grants available in Australia for creative workers.

If you'd like to add one please do so - with a website link or contact details through our contact page and it will be posted here

For your information from CAA - they have also compiled a list of funding, resources, support services and professional development programs on our website which you may be interested in.…/



Support Act​ Crisis Relief Grants: If your ability to work has been impacted by COVID-19 and you are a musician, crew or music worker, you may be eligible to apply for Crisis Relief.

National Association for the Visual Arts Artists’ Benevolent Fund hopes to provide modest but useful one-off financial assistance to Australian visual artists in crisis as a result of fire, flood, storm, serious illness, major accident, declared state or national emergencies, or some other unexpected catastrophic experience.

Theatre Network Australia 1000 x 1000 Crisis Cash: artist requests now open. If you are an independent artist who has lost work due to COVID-19 and are in a high-risk group, this program has a simple EOI process.…/1000-x-1000-crisis-cash-for-artis…/

Actors Benevolent Fund offers help to actors and their families who find themselves in dire circumstances. This is not only offered in the area of financial assistance, but also in a range of consultative services.


Australian Government​ Regional Arts Australia​ Flying Arts
Regional Arts Fund - Recovery Boost 

RELIEF- Opening 1st July to assist regional artists, arts organisations and communities to meet their immediate needs. This could include asset replacement or purchase, support for arts practice (including self-directed residency/research and development), small projects and professional development opportunities.

RECOVERY Project Grants - Open 31 August 
Activities could include creative recovery projects, training programs, operational recovery plans, asset purchase or replacement (up to $5000) and the development of risk plans and emergency operating procedures and responses up to $30,000



Arts Queensland Queensland Arts Showcase Fund OPEN NOW provides funding to support individuals, organisations or collectives to deliver vibrant and accessible arts and cultural experiences for Queensland.…/funding/organisations/arts-showcase

Regional Arts Fund - Project Grants stream supports applications which benefit the community, increase access and participation, and/or provide direct benefits to artists/arts workers. Funding of up to $30,000 is available - Applications Open 1st July


Redland City Council RADF opening on 1 August 2020…/regional_arts_development_…


Further updates to funding programs are expected in the new financial year - keep an eye on Arts Queensland and Australia Council for the Arts


If you are seeking help with applying for a grant, for example the documentation required and references, please contact the Alliance at the email address below. 

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