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We have held at lease two exhibitions per year over past years since 2010. These pages illustrate the caliber of Redland artists since 2017, with publicity and wonderful openings and sometimes even sponsorship and prizes.

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Alliance Artists are Doing it - Again!

Friday 9th September 2020 Redland’s Creative Alliance ‘Normal’ visual art exhibition opened at RPAC in Middle Street, Cleveland. Unfortunately there will be no exhibition opening event due to Covid 19 restrictions.

This is the second exhibition this year to be held at Redland Performing Arts Centre after the first Redland’s Creative Alliance Inc. exhibition was closed down by the Covid 19 virus back in March. We didn’t give up then and held an online exhibition for a few months while our works sat in RPAC and couldn’t be accessed until after RPAC opened again only a month or so ago. But there’s nothing like a ‘Normal’ exhibition.

Normal definition, conforms to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural and our Alliance artists were asked to translate their ‘normal’..... with artists entering up to two artworks. 

Alliance exhibitions are open to members with all levels of experience without submission selection or restrictions or talent levels. In the exhibition there were 35 artists with 66 works - with wide ranging materials, styles and applications - watercolours, inks, oils, acrylics, digital, photography and sculpture.

There was a virtual online exhibition through RPAC and also on the Alliance website - just in case the exhibition is closed down again! The exhibition was on view at RPAC until 9th October

At the exhibition’s closure $1,070 in cash was be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 4th and 3rd prize was a voucher for a canvas and framing from Kuhl Framing of Victoria Point. The works were judged by Chris Huber and Robin Wilson both well known local artists in their own right. 

To see the catalogue download the PDF  and slide shows right

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This is how it appears upstairs

And how it how it is downstairs

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